What is a nutria?

What is a nutria?

Ratlike in appearance and beaver-like in size, this animal is often referred to as the beaver rat. Nutrias are valuable for many purposes; their pelts are now chiefly used in the making of hats. Their ratlike tails are too thin to be used.

What kind of cat is a polecat?

What kind of cat is a polecat?

A polecat is not a cat at all. Polecat is the common name for various weasel-like animals of the family Mustelidae, which also includes weasels, minks, and otters. Varieties of this creature include: the European polecat; the mashed, or steppe, polecat of Asia; the marbled polecat of Eurasia; and the zorilla, or African polecat. In…

Do fish sleep?

Do fish sleep?

Most fish do not sleep. They are constantly in motion, though the motion is marked by periods of reduced activity. There are, however, a few exceptions: Some fish in coral reefs do sleep by leaning on rocks or standing on their tails.

What makes cats purr?

What makes cats purr?

In addition to being a sign of contentment, it is a signal, a homing call that cats learn early. At first, they feel only the vibrations of a purr when their mother cat uses it to bring them to feed. Later, cats learn to use it to indicate fear and distress as well as pleasure.

How fast do piranhas eat?

How fast do piranhas eat?

A school of these 8- to 12-inch fish, which inhabit the freshwater rivers of South America, has been observed gnawing a 400-pound hog to the bone in minutes. Initially attracted by the smell of blood, piranhas begin gnawing as soon as they reach their prey. With their spring-trap jaws, they remove any animal’s flesh most…

What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

What is the difference between a crocodile and an alligator?

The alligator is a subspecies of the crocodile, part of the family Crocodylidae. The alligator’s snout is rounded; the crocodile’s comes to a point. Both prefer shallow, swampy water, but the crocodile is generally more aggressive than the alligator. Incidentally, a crocodile, not an alligator, appears on the Izod Lacoste polo shirt.