How many French and Indian Wars were there and what were they called in England?

How many French and Indian Wars were there and what were they called in England?

Four major “French and Indian Wars” were fought in colonial times by Britain and France for control of North America. Each was part of a larger struggle involving shifting alliances, fighting in Europe, and colonial battles in other parts of the world. The struggle ended in 1763 with Britain winning most of France’s American empire,…

Who wrote The American Crisis?

Who wrote The American Crisis?

The sequence of 16 pamphlets The American Crisis, published 1776-83, was written by Revolutionary War patriot Thomas Paine. Who wrote The Present Crisis? The anti-slavery poem was written in 1844 by Massachusetts poet James Russell Lowell. Who wrote Six Crises? The 1962 memoir was written by former vice-president and future president Richard Nixon.

What went wrong with President Jimmy Carter’s military attempt to free the hostages in Iran?

What went wrong with President Jimmy Carter’s military attempt to free the hostages in Iran?

Carter had authorized a commando raid to free the American hostages held in Teheran since November 4, 1979. On the night of April 24, 1980, six U.S. C-130 cargo planes landed in the desert 300 miles southeast of Teheran. In the midst of a blinding sandstorm, three of the operation’s eight helicopters malfunctioned. The mission…

When did Disneyland and Disney World open?

When did Disneyland and Disney World open?

The amusement park Disneyland opened in Anaheim, California, on July 17, 1955. Its original size was 200 acres. Much bigger than Disneyland, Disney World opened near Orlando, Florida, on October 1, 1971. The acronym EPCOT stands for the third Walt Disney amusement center stands for Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. It opened in 1982 as…

How cold was it at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777?

How cold was it at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777?

Overall, the winter was fairly mild in 1777-78 when George Washington and his Continental Army were encamped at this site 22 miles northwest of Philadelphia. There was heavy snow and freezing weather in Christmas week but a thaw in January. What made conditions miserable was lack of adequate food, clothing, and shelter due to negligence…

Did Grant and Lee meet in a courthouse to discuss terms for Lee’s surrender during the Civil War?

Did Grant and Lee meet in a courthouse to discuss terms for Lee’s surrender during the Civil War?

The two commanders-in-chief Grant and Lee met at Appomattox Court House, but that was the name of a village in Virginia, not an actual courthouse. On April 9, 1865, Ulysses S. Grant accepted Robert E. Lee’s surrender in the front parlor of a private house owned by farmer Wilmer McLean.

Who rode from Boston to Concord on the night of April 18, 1775, with the news that the British were coming?

Who rode from Boston to Concord on the night of April 18, 1775, with the news that the British were coming?

Paul Revere didn’t ride from Boston to Concord on the night of April 18, 1775, with the news that the British were coming. Revere started on the journey, along with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, but Dawes and Revere were stopped by a British patrol. Only Prescott actually made it to Concord.

What is Fletcherism promoted by businessman Horace Fletcher?

What is Fletcherism promoted by businessman Horace Fletcher?

It was the theory promoted by late 19th-century businessman Horace Fletcher that extensive chewing, or “mouth thoroughness,” would improve one’s health. In such books as Fletcherism: What It Is and The ABC of Nutrition, Fletcher said that every bite of food should be chewed 32 times to “give every tooth of mine a chance.” Among…

When did the Dow Jones industrial average first close higher than 1000, 2000 and 3000?

When did the Dow Jones industrial average first close higher than 1000, 2000 and 3000?

Instituted a century ago (in 1896) and named for businessmen Charles Dow and Edward Jones, the economic indicator the Dow Jones industrial average has set all three records within the last 25 years. It first closed higher than 1000 on Nov. 14, 1972. On January 8, 1987, it closed higher than 2000. Four years later,…

What justice did Thurgood Marshall replace on the Supreme Court?

What justice did Thurgood Marshall replace on the Supreme Court?

President Lyndon Johnson appointed Thurgood Marshall to fill the seat on the Supreme Court vacated by Thomas C. Clark, who resigned when his son, Ramsey Clark, was appointed as U.S. Attorney General. Marshall (190892), a noted civil rights lawyer, became the first African-American Supreme Court justice.

How many Madison Square Gardens have there been?

How many Madison Square Gardens have there been?

There have been four Madison Square Gardens, but only the first two were on Madison Square, at Madison Avenue and East Twenty-sixth Street. The first arena, originally a railroad depot, was given the name Madison Square Garden in 1879. The second was designed by Stanford White and built in 1890. The third, located between Forty-ninth…

How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution?

How many Americans fought for the British in the American Revolution?

Approximately 50,000 Americans were part of the Loyalist military support for the king. Few joined the British army and navy, but thousands served in provincial regiments under Loyalist officers. American Indians, mainly in Canada, on the frontier, and in the South, also fought for Britain.

When did Jerry Falwell disband the conservative Christian movement the Moral Majority?

When did Jerry Falwell disband the conservative Christian movement the Moral Majority?

Falwell disbanded the conservative Christian movement in 1989, ten years after founding it. After fighting for such positions as prayer in public schools and a ban on abortions, the organization ended about the same time as Ronald Reagan’s presidency, which its influence had helped bring about.

How many times was Seoul occupied by the North Koreans during the Korean War?

How many times was Seoul occupied by the North Koreans during the Korean War?

Seoul was occupied by the North Koreans twice during the Korean War. The capital of South Korea fell to invaders from North Korea in June 1950, inciting President Harry Truman to commit American troops as part of United Nations forces sent to repel the invasion. U.N. forces recaptured Seoul on September 26, only to be…

Where was Teapot Dome, source of the 1920s presidential scandal?

Where was Teapot Dome, source of the 1920s presidential scandal?

The government-owned land known as Teapot Dome, rich in oil, was located in Wyoming. The scandal began when a Senate investigating committee discovered that the Teapot Dome and Elk Hills, California, reserves had been secretly leased by Secretary of the Interior Albert B. Fall to private oil companies in 1922. Fall was eventually convicted of…

Who warned, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal”?

Who warned, “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal”?

The warning “Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white, separate and unequal” appeared in the 1968 report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, which was headed by Illinois governor Otto Kerner. President Johnson appointed Kerner to investigate the causes of over 100 ghetto riots that took place in the…

How much was Benedict Arnold given by the British to be a traitor?

How much was Benedict Arnold given by the British to be a traitor?

Benedict Arnold (1741-1801) demanded £20,000 from the British but received only £6,315. In exchange, he revealed American battle plans, tried (but failed) to deliver West Point, and crossed over to the British army. Although Arnold was given 13,400 acres of land in Canada after the war, he lived the rest of his life in England.

At the 1939 New York World’s Fair, how large were the TryIon and the Perisphere?

At the 1939 New York World’s Fair, how large were the TryIon and the Perisphere?

The symbols of the theme of the 1939 New York World’s Fair, “The World of Tomorrow,” were massive: The Trylon, a tapering three-sided shaft, was 750 feet high; the Perisphere was a globe 200 feet in diameter. The two objects were built at a cost of $1.7 million.

Which Irving Berlin song came first, “God Bless America” or “White Christmas”?

Which Irving Berlin song came first, “God Bless America” or “White Christmas”?

The Irving Berlin song “God Bless America” (1918) appeared 24 years before “White Christmas” (1942). “God Bless America” was written for, but discarded from, the Broadway musical, Yip, Yip, Yaphank. “White Christmas” made its introduction in the 1942 film musical Holiday Inn, starring Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby. Irving Berlin wrote the 1918 song “Oh,…

For whom was the Marshall Plan named and how much money did it extend to Europe?

For whom was the Marshall Plan named and how much money did it extend to Europe?

The Marshall Plan was named for U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall and was formally known as the European Recovery Program. The Marshall Plan expended $12.5 billion in U.S. loans and grants to help rebuild Europe after World War II. Payments were made in the fiscal years 1949 through 1952.

Where was Fort William Henry?

Where was Fort William Henry?

The British fort, captured by the French in 1757 during the French and Indian War, was located in New York near Lake George. Where was Fort McHenry? The fort that withstood British bombardment during the War of 1812 was on the Patapsco River in Baltimore, Maryland. Where was Fort Henry? The Confederate stronghold captured by…

How old is the CIA?

How old is the CIA?

Founded in 1947, the CIA was born about the same time as the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. An offshoot of World War Il’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the agency was established to gather foreign intelligence, carry out counterintelligence, and perform covert operations.

What were the scores of the sets between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs during their “Battle of the Sexes”?

What were the scores of the sets between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs during their “Battle of the Sexes”?

In the 1973 match between the former Wimbledon men’s champion and the then-current Wimbledon women’s champion, the 30-year old King defeated the 55-year old Riggs in three straight sets-6-4, 6-3, 6-3. Riggs had challenged King to a “Battle of the Sexes,” claiming that despite their age difference he could beat King because she was a…

Who took the famous photograph of the marines raising the American flag at Iwo Jima?

Who took the famous photograph of the marines raising the American flag at Iwo Jima?

Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal took the picture of marines raising the flag on Mount Suribachi at Iwo Jima. The island of Iwo Jima spanned only eight square miles, but was strategically important for its closeness to Japan and hence its value as an air base. About 6,800 marines were killed and more than 18,200…