When was the National Baseball League formed?

When was the National Baseball League formed?

The baseball league was formed in 1876. Its charter members were Chicago, St. Louis, Hartford, Boston, Louisville, New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati. The American League was founded in 1900 and received major league status in 1901. Its charter members included Chicago, Boston, Detroit, Philadelphia, Washington, Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Baltimore.

What was the most damaging air attack of World War II?

What was the most damaging air attack of World War II?

The most destructive air attack of World War II was not the atomic bombing of Hiroshima but the firebombing of Tokyo by 279 Superfortress bombers on March 9-10, 1945. Over 1,650 tons of incendiary bombs were dropped on the city, raising a massive firestorm and killing from 80,000 to 120,000 people. The bombing represented a…

Where was Ragti founded?

Where was Ragti founded?

Famed for its Italian flavors, the Ragti line of products was founded in Rochester, New York, in 1937 by two Italian immigrants, Giovanni and Assunta Contisano. Ragii became the first nationally distributed brand of pasta sauce in the U.S. in 1989, after it was acquired by Chesebrough-Pond’s.

What day was the official signing ceremony for the Declaration of Independence?

What day was the official signing ceremony for the Declaration of Independence?

The official signing ceremony for the Declaration of Independence was on August 2, 1776, not July 4. On July 4, Congress approved the final draft of the declaration, and John Hancock and the secretary of the Congress signed it. But most members of Congress signed it at the official ceremony on August 2. A few…

What did Thomas Edison use as a filament in the first successful electric light bulb?

What did Thomas Edison use as a filament in the first successful electric light bulb?

After experimenting with thousands of materials, Thomas Edison discovered in 1879 that a scorched cotton thread, the equivalent of a carbon wire, was the filament he needed. It was one that would glow for a long period without melting in an electric light bulb. Edison’s discovery ushered in the age of electric lighting.

Why did American painter James McNeill Whistler sue British art critic John Ruskin?

Why did American painter James McNeill Whistler sue British art critic John Ruskin?

James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) sued John Ruskin for libel after Ruskin vilified the painter’s Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket (1877), accusing Whistler of “flinging a pot of paint in the public’s face.” Born in Lowell, Massachusetts, Whistler had lived in Europe since 1855 and had become a fixture of London art circles….

Who invented the Frisbee?

Who invented the Frisbee?

Yale University students appear to have begun the Frisbee in the 1920s, when they threw around metal pie tins from the Frisbie Bakery of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Middlebury College in Vermont has also taken credit for inventing the game. As a commercial venture, however, Frisbee began with a saucer-shaped toy invented by Walter Frederick Morrison in…

How many people were killed in the Salem witch trials?

How many people were killed in the Salem witch trials?

The series of trials in Massachusetts in 1692-93, known as the Salem witch trials, resulted in 27 convictions. Of those, 20 were executed: 19 were hanged, one was crushed to death. In 1693, Massachusetts governor William Phips created a new court, with stricter guidelines for evidence. Through it, remaining prisoners were either acquitted or set…

Was Confederate general Stonewall Jackson killed by Union gunfire during the Civil War?

Was Confederate general Stonewall Jackson killed by Union gunfire during the Civil War?

Confederate general Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson died of a battle wound, but it was not inflicted by a Union soldier. One of his own men accidentally shot him in the arm during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Virginia, May 1-3, 1863. Although the battle was a Confederate victory, Jackson’s arm had to be amputated. The general contracted…

Who videotaped Rodney King’s beating by Los Angeles police?

Who videotaped Rodney King’s beating by Los Angeles police?

A white amateur photographer named George Holliday happened to be on hand to videotape the scene of Rodney King’s beating by Los Angeles police on March 3, 1991, while testing his new camcorder. The images of black motorist King being kicked and clubbed by white officers shocked the country. A year later, news of the…

How many communists did Senator Joseph McCarthy say he found in the State Department?

How many communists did Senator Joseph McCarthy say he found in the State Department?

In his February 9, 1950, speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, Senator Joseph McCarthy brandished a list which he said contained the names of 205 communists, though the number fluctuated over time. For the next few years, McCarthy investigated State Department officials and others, relying on shaky charges and insinuation. He was finally brought down when…

How did New York’s Tammany Hall get its name?

How did New York’s Tammany Hall get its name?

The headquarters for the Democratic party organization Tammany Hall was once a social club named for a seventeenth-century Delaware Indian chief. After the Revolution, Aaron Burr transformed it into a political machine, using it to strengthen the 1800 presidential campaign of Thomas Jefferson. Its power grew throughout the nineteenth century and Tammany Hall became the…

In the song “Yankee Doodle,” why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it Macaroni?

In the song “Yankee Doodle,” why did Yankee Doodle stick a feather in his cap and call it Macaroni?

The line refers not to the pasta but to the Macaroni Club, a mid-eighteenth-century English social club of dandyish young men who wanted to bring the influences of the Continent to bear on their home country. Thus the line was originally intended to discredit American revolutionaries.

What Republican presidential candidate employed the slogan, “In your heart you know he’s right”?

What Republican presidential candidate employed the slogan, “In your heart you know he’s right”?

Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in 1964 employed the slogan, “In your heart you know he’s right”. Some Democratic opponents responded, “In your guts you know he’s nuts.” Public fear that Goldwater was an extremist helped Lyndon Johnson defeat him that year.

What are the opening words of the Declaration of Independence?

What are the opening words of the Declaration of Independence?

The opening words of the Declaration of Independence are as follows: When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature…

Where did President Bush do his Christmas shopping when he was trying to set an example of consumer confidence?

Where did President Bush do his Christmas shopping when he was trying to set an example of consumer confidence?

On November 29, 1991, in the midst of a recession, Bush went shopping at the Frederick Towne Mall in Frederick, Maryland to set an example of consumer confidence. Among his purchases were a pair of socks at J.C. Penney’s.

When did the U.S. national numbered road system first appear and when did the first freeway appear?

When did the U.S. national numbered road system first appear and when did the first freeway appear?

The U.S. government instituted a system of standardized route numbers in 1925 to simplify route directions. Perhaps the nation’s most well-known road, Route 66, opened in 1932 to link Chicago and Los Angeles. In December 1940, the first freeway opened, the Arroyo Seco Parkway in Los Angeles. Not until 1956 did the government pass the…

What male figure skater has most often won the U.S. Skating Championship?

What male figure skater has most often won the U.S. Skating Championship?

As of 1992, the honor goes to Richard (Dick) Button, who held the title for seven years from 1946 to 1952. Four skaters have held the title for four years: Hayes Jenkins-1953-56 David Jenkins-1957-60 Scott Hamilton-1981-84 Brian Boitano-1985-88 What female figure skater has most often won the U.S. Skating Championship? As of 1992, the honor…

Which of Marilyn Monroe’s marriages lasted the longest?

Which of Marilyn Monroe’s marriages lasted the longest?

The Hollywood screen goddess Marilyn Monroe (1926-62) was married three times: to aircraft plant worker James Dougherty, baseball hero Joe DiMaggio, and playwright Arthur Miller. The marriage to Miller lasted the longest, nearly five years, from 1956 to 1961. Her marriage as a teenager to Dougherty lasted four years, from 1942 to 1946. The shortest…

What kind of whiskey was involved in the Whiskey Rebellion?

What kind of whiskey was involved in the Whiskey Rebellion?

Whiskey distilled from surplus corn was at the heart of this 1794 rebellion by western Pennsylvania farmers. The farmers refused to pay a federal excise tax on whiskey, which was easier to store and transport than corn and was even used as currency. President George Washington stopped the rebellion with a force of 13,000 militiamen….

When were standard sizes in clothing first introduced in America?

When were standard sizes in clothing first introduced in America?

Standard sizes for ready-made clothing were not developed in America until the Civil War, when the Union Army collected body measurements of more than a million conscripts. The statistical data was needed to meet the demand for large numbers of uniforms. From this beginning, fitting systems with numbered sizes were developed during the latter half…

Did both Wolfe and Montcalm die on the battlefield in the Battle of Quebec?

Did both Wolfe and Montcalm die on the battlefield in the Battle of Quebec?

The British general James Wolfe was killed on the battlefield during the engagement on September 13, 1759. But the French general Louis Joseph, Marquis de Montcalm, was only wounded. He died in bed early the next morning. On September 18, Quebec, the capital of New France, surrendered to the British, marking a crucial turning point…

What game of the World Series was about to begin when the San Francisco earthquake of 1989 struck?

What game of the World Series was about to begin when the San Francisco earthquake of 1989 struck?

The earthquake hit the San Francisco Bay area on October 17, 1989, minutes before the third game of the World Series was about to be played between the Oakland Athletics and the San Francisco Giants. The earthquake, which measured 7.1 on the Richter scale, killed 67 people and destroyed over 100,000 buildings.

In what treaty did the U.S. agree to outlaw war?

In what treaty did the U.S. agree to outlaw war?

In the Kellogg-Briand Pact, signed on August 27, 1928, the US., France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland all agreed to give up war as an instrument of foreign policy. However, the treaty lacked enforcement power, and within 14 years all the parties that signed it were fighting in World War II. The…

In what period did the American Communist party reach its peak membership?

In what period did the American Communist party reach its peak membership?

The American Communist party was never so popular as during World War II, when the United States and the Soviet Union were allies. Founded soon after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the party reached a peak membership of about 100,000 during World War II. Afterward, Cold War repression made it unsafe to stay in the…

Who invented nylon?

Who invented nylon?

Du Pont chemist Wallace Hume Carrothers invented the artificial polymer nylon in the 1930s while searching for alternatives to silk. Nylon stockings first came on the market with heavy publicity on what was billed as “Nylon Day,” May 15, 1940. Women hungry for a cheap and durable alternative to silk stockings bought millions of pairs…

How would the president “push the button” for a nuclear attack?

How would the president “push the button” for a nuclear attack?

As depicted in some spy movies, the president would not press a button; he would make a phone call. To begin a nuclear attack, the president telephones the commander in chief at the Strategic Air Command in Omaha, Nebraska; several officers at SAC would verify the president’s orders. Once verified, instructions would go to bomber…

When was the first eight-hour day introduced in America?

When was the first eight-hour day introduced in America?

The first eight-hour day in America was instituted for federal employees in public work projects in 1868. Before the law was passed, an average workday could run 10 to 12 hours. In 1867, the Illinois state legislature had passed a law proclaiming the eight-hour day to be “the legal workday in the state.” But the…

What was the tallest building in the world before the Empire State Building was opened?

What was the tallest building in the world before the Empire State Building was opened?

From 1929 to 1931, the tallest building in the world before the Empire State Building was opened was the Chrysler Building in New York City. In the 1920s, its architect, William Van Alen, was commissioned to design the world’s tallest building. Simultaneously his former partner, H. Craig Severance, was commissioned by another company to do…

What side won the following Civil War battles?

What side won the following Civil War battles?

First Bull Run, Virginia Confederacy July 21, 1861 Shiloh, Tennessee Union April 6-7, 1862 Second Bull Run, Virginia Confederacy August 29-30, 1862 Antietam, Maryland Union September 17, 1862 Federicksburg, Virginia Confederacy December 13, 1862 Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi Union May 22—July 4, 1863 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Union July 1-3, 1863 The Wilderness, Virginia Union May 5-6,…

What was Lincoln’s “eye for an eye” order issued during the Civil War?

What was Lincoln’s “eye for an eye” order issued during the Civil War?

Lincoln’s “eye for an eye” order was an order issued in 1863 during the Civil War that the Union would shoot a Confederate prisoner for every black Union prisoner shot. It would also condemn a Confederate prisoner to hard labor for life for every black prisoner sold into slavery. The order was meant to deter…