What was the name of the daughter of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind (1936)?

What was the name of the daughter of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind (1936)?

The name of the daughter of Rhett Butler and Scarlett O’Hara in Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind was Bonnie Blue Butler. She is killed at an early age in a riding accident.

What play did Maya Angelou write and produce with actor Godfrey Cambridge?

What play did Maya Angelou write and produce with actor Godfrey Cambridge?

Maya Angelou and Godfrey Cambridge collaborated on Cabaret for Freedom in 1960. Cambridge is best known for his appearances in films like Watermelon Man (1970) and Cotton Comes to Harlem (1970). Angelou’s poetry, prose, and drama include the autobiographical volume, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1969).

Were Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” books written for anyone?

Were Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” books written for anyone?

Lewis Carroll’s books are said to have been written for a friend, Alice Liddell. Liddell, with three other children on an 1862 boating trip, inspired the first of the stories, which Carroll initially called Alice’s Adventures Underground. The book, with additional tales as well as illustrations, was published in 1865, followed in 1871 by Through…

How many rules of “literary art” did Mark Twain say James Fenimore Cooper violated in The Deer-slayer (1841)?

How many rules of “literary art” did Mark Twain say James Fenimore Cooper violated in The Deer-slayer (1841)?

In an 1895 article in North American Review, Twain said that James Fenimore Cooper violated 18 of the 19 rules for romantic fiction in The Deer-slayer. On one page alone, Cooper is said to have scored a record-breaking 114 offenses out of a possible 115. Some of the rules Cooper broke included: —   “That a…

In what work did Joseph Conrad define his task as a writer as, “to make you hear, to make you feel—it is, before all, to make you see!”?

In what work did Joseph Conrad define his task as a writer as, “to make you hear, to make you feel—it is, before all, to make you see!”?

Joseph Conrad define his task as a writer as, “to make you hear, to make you feel—it is, before all, to make you see!” in the preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus (1897).

How many Canterbury Tales are there?

How many Canterbury Tales are there?

There are 24 Canterbury Tales. In the order accepted in standard texts, they are: Knight’s Tale Miller’s Tale Reeve’s Tale Cook’s Tale Man of Law’s Tale Wife of Bath’s Tale Friar’s Tale Summoner’s Tale Clerk’s Tale Merchant’s Tale Squire’s Tale Franklin’s Tale Physician’s Tale Pardoner’s Tale Shipman’s Tale Prioress’s Tale Tale of Sir Thopas Tale…

Was the author of the James Bond novels ever an agent himself?

Was the author of the James Bond novels ever an agent himself?

Yes. Ian Fleming (1908-1964), the author of the James Bond novels began his intelligence work during World War II, when he served as the director of Naval Intelligence in Britain. After D Day, he was placed in charge of an assault unit that became known as Fleming’s Private Navy. It obtained German code books and…

What Kurt Vonnegut character invented ice-nine?

What Kurt Vonnegut character invented ice-nine?

Dr. Felix Hoenikker in Cat’s Cradle (1963) invented ice-nine. Ice-nine is a form of water that freezes at 114.4 degrees Fahrenheit. When it is accidentally released into the ocean, it freezes the entire world. Dr. Felix Hoenikker in Cat’s Cradle (1963). Ice-nine is a form of water that freezes at 114.4 degrees Fahrenheit. When it…

How many years before his death did Thomas Hardy publish his last novel?

How many years before his death did Thomas Hardy publish his last novel?

Thomas Hardy published his last novel thirty-three years before his death. Hardy’s last novel was Jude the Obscure (1895), the story of Jude Fawley’s adulterous love for his cousin Sue Bridehead. The novel so shocked readers that Hardy gave up writing fiction and turned to poetry. Hardy died in 1928.

Where did the English title for Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu (1913-27) come from?

Where did the English title for Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu (1913-27) come from?

C. K. Scott Moncrieff took the title Remembrance of Things Past for his 1922 English translation of Proust from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 30: “When to the sessions of sweet silent thought/I summon up remembrance of things past.” The literal translation of Proust’s title is “In Search of Lost Time.”